Applications and Methods
„Wisdom is pain overcome.“
Wes Watson
Application area
Letting go of harmful habits can be very difficult, and unfortunately, affected people are often accused of simply lacking the will to stop. I do not share this assessment. Addiction involves a mechanism that cannot be controlled by willpower. If this mechanism is understood, suitable paths to freedom from addiction can be found.
I will help you take these steps.
Based on my own experience and/or in-depth knowledge of various methods, I can suggest a program that is tailored to your needs. This flexible approach can help with the following issues:
- Psychoactive substance consumption
- Alcohol consumption
- Nicotine consumption
- Dealing with Pornography
- Pornography addiction
- Compulsive Sexual Behaviour Disorder (AKA sex addiction)
- Additionally…
- Mild depression
- Life crises
- Listlessness/apathy
- The desire to develop your potential and to act according to your own nature.

A Selection of Methods:
- Therapeutic Conversation
- Vipassana Meditation
- 12-Step-Groups
- Changing Thinking Habits
- Inner-Child Work
- Autosuggestion
- Use of Literature
- Men’s Groups
- Physical Training